Monday, September 27, 2010

Quilt Along

Well I joined the color brick quilt along last week and I'm super excited for it to start later this week.  This is my first quilt along and I think I'm really going to like it.  I've taken a few quilt classes at the Sister quilt show and at quit shops.  Its always so fun to see how all the quilts comes out. 

So it took me a few days to find all the fabric I wanted to use, but I finally decided. 
These are the fabrics I picked.  I got almost all of the fabric from my stash. 

But wait theres more...

I went to the fabric store with my Mom over the weekend and I found a fat quarter bundle that I fell in love with.  And go figure the quilt along calls for ten fat quarters.  So I guess I have no choice but to make two quilts for the quilt along.  right?

Every quilt I've ever made has been really really bright.  When I saw these fabrics I thought they would make a really relaxing quilt.  I hope I can get them both done.  I can't wait to see how they come out.  they are going to be so different.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, when do you get started sewing. I want to see these quilts!
